FJA Platform for Quality Journalism
It is time to protect media, save jobs and support the most precarious workers. Information must never be confined. Information must remain a public good.
Conference and Events
Our conferences on future of media aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of new media and communication management. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of new media.*************
Press Brifing
We inform the world of unfair practices, unjust detentions and destroyed human rights through journalists, human rights defenders and activists. We become the voice of the people who suffer injustice.*************
Seminar - Webinar
The seminar series is which welcomes high-profile journalists from around the world to share their experiences, thoughts and findings on the big issues facing the profession right now.The seminars give our Journalist Fellows the chance to engage with reporters, editors and innovators who are driving the industry forward and addressing the many challenges it faces.***********
Imprisoned Jounalists
Freejouralist assoiation is warning that more journalists are behind bars for their work globally than ever before, with repressive regimes from Asia to Europe leading an unprecedented crackdown on press freedoms.
Media Right Violation
Even though freedom of expression and opinion are guaranteed under by International Laws and Conventions, violating this right has become a familiar occurrence in everyday in the World. As FJA, it is our duty to stop this violence.
Human Right Defenders
Human rights defenders work to improve societies and contribute to peace and democracy. Defenders are agents for positive change and development. They are key in protecting against human rights violations and in advancing universal human rights. As FJS, we are trying to contribute to the struggle.
Journalism Freedom
Freedom of the press is a precious privilege that no country can forego - Mahatma Gandhi